Activism + Apparel
Hi - I'm the girl behind Peace People Project!
Here's a bit about myself and my inspiration for this project:
Over the years, my enjoyment of nature led me to valuing health + wellness over chasing money, and to climbing trees instead of social hierarchies. Inevitably, about half a decade ago, this lead me to veganism: an appreciation of and respect for all life.
I think the natural world is magical! I like to spend my time exploring mountains, swimming in oceans, and saving animals. I aspire for a future where we all live more gently and spend more time outside.
I believe we can do better for the earth by living minimally, using things until they're broken (and then fixing them), and always sourcing from existing materials before creating a new demand for production. I believe we can do better for the animals by freeing them from human control and by speaking on their behalf every day.
The Peace People Project was born out of a deep love for our world and a yearning for peace for all beings. Between adventures, events and activism, I frequently visit local thrift shops to source previously-loved pieces of clothing, so that I can create shirts to advocate for a better world without harming it in the process.
I offer many free festivals, workshops, and events to welcome people into this beautiful movement, to build community, and to inspire and enable positive changes.
I care about our world and I think it's rad that you care, too!
Tosha Lobsinger
Learn about my zero-waste vegan lifestyle in these interviews!
Live Video Interview with Liberation Hour Radio / May 15, 2020 Enjoy a zero-waste kitchen tour, DIY cashew milk tutorial & more!
Live Video Interview with Animal Voices Radio / Dec 14, 2018 Click the image to access our discussion on my own hypocrisy using plastic for many years, recycling, the Rana Plaza garment workplace collapse killing over 1,000 people, how the leather industry harms humans, thrift shopping and other spaces to access used and free things, zwv potlucks, a day in the life of Tosha, toxic plastic “ocean soup”, & how to have a zwv holiday